About Us

Our Players

Find us on Gettr:

Pistachio - @pistachiomygod

Learn more about who Pistachio is from her guest appearance on "The Whistleblowers" on 19 APR 2023

HolyNuts - @holynuts
Nobody - @Nobody
Byron - @minicowUK


Stand With Freedom is a volunteer-driven community that publishes independent content and was launched in April 2023. Your subscription makes it possible for us to continue to exist and fulfill our mission of empowering individuals to make informed decisions by providing them with the necessary information. Please note that we are not affiliated with the NFSC Global Alliance, and all thoughts and opinions expressed on our site are our own. Thank you for your support!


Stand with Freedom是一个志愿者驱动的社区,发布独立内容,于2023年4月成立。您的订阅使我们能够继续存在,并实现我们的使命,即通过提供必要信息,让个人能够做出明智的决策。请注意,我们与NFSC全球联盟无关,我们网站上表达的所有观点和意见均为我们自己的。感谢您的支持!

To the extent that there are any conflicts between the English version and the mandarin translation of this disclaimer, if provided, the English version shall govern and control.



Don't agree with something we said and feel passionately about it? Don't just contact us, DEBATE US!

If you ever want to resolve a conflict with us, we would love to share the floor with you to have a LIVE BROADCAST debate with one of our teammates!

You tell us your availability, and we will set up the platform. We believe in transparency and the ability to resolve conflicts through open discussion.


