Freedom of Speech

Tea & Coffee

Chit Chat Common Sense

Join us for a warm and inviting conversation on "Tea & Coffee!" Our common sense broadcast brings people from all walks of life together to explore topics that matter - from DeFi and culture to international politics to philosophy and beyond. With a focus on bridging cultural gaps, we're all about building connections and sharing perspectives. So come and join us for a chat - we promise it'll be a brew-tiful experience!

We are not financial advisors, we are not lawyers, this broadcast is for us to learn and explore, and we always recommend you use your own COMMON SENSE!

Tea & Coffee: Steeped in Stories

A Book Club Bridging East and West

Are you ready for an exciting journey? Join us on an adventure with "Steeped in Stories"! Each week/month, we explore various aspects of bridging Eastern and Western culture, ranging from ancient history to tantalizing cuisine. So, grab a cup of tea (or perhaps some boba, if you're feeling fancy), and immerse yourself in enjoyable and insightful conversations about the fascinating fusion of East and West. We can't wait to have you join us!

Behind the Words

Bridging the East and West

Get ready for a cultural adventure like no other with "Behind the Words!" Join us as we watch Chinese videos with English subtitles and try to decode their true meaning. Our Chinese friends are on hand to help us out and give us a peek behind the curtain of Chinese language, culture, and customs. From all different perspectives, we're bridging the gap between East and West!